Tuesday, June 28, 2005

MEDLINE Database on Tap

MEDLINE Database on Tap (aka MD on Tap or MDoT) is a Web application which targets mobile health care professionals by facilitating access to medical information at the point of care. MDoT provides a way to search the National Library of Medicine's MEDLINE, read abstracts from a set of 120 core clinical journals, and access the ClinicalTrials.gov database. To use it, you need a PDA with Palm 4.0 OS or higher and a wireless Internet connection. An equivalent Pocket PC client is underdevelopment.

The client is available for PDAs and smartphones with Palm operating systems and a wireless connection to the Internet. You can download the newest version from http://mdot.nlm.nih.gov/proj/mdot/downloadPalm.php.

With this newest version, there are two cool new features:

  • When the Auto Spell Check option is selected, ambiguous search terms are replaced with those terms suggested by an internal NLM e-spell utility for the actual search. The actual terms used are shown at the bottom of the Search tab.
  • As an alternative to the default PubMed search engine, you can select Essie, an experimental probabilistic search engine developed at the Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications. Essie ranks results by relevance, then by date. These options can be combined with any (or all!) of the other search options. Also, a big, friendly “Go” button has replaced the magnifying glass as the icon to tap to execute your search.

Check out the screenshots.
Download the program and give it a try!


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