For my example, I want to see who has cited the following article since it was published in 1994:
Tinetti ME, Baker DI, McAvay G, Claus EB, Garrett P, Gottschalk M, Koch ML, Trainor K, Horwitz RI. A multifactorial intervention to reduce the risk of falling among elderly people living in the community. N Engl J Med. 1994, 331(13):821-7.From the Major Resources scan column on the Library's
web page, click on "Web of Science". Click on 'Cited Reference Searching'.
In the Cited Author box, enter the author's last name and initials:
tinetti m* [* is the truncation symbol]
In the Cited Year box, enter the year:
Click on the SEARCH button.
The next screen displays all of the works by tinetti m* in 1994 sorted alphabetically by cited work. We're looking for the article in the New England Journal of Medicine and you can see that articles in that journal begin about halfway down the page.
Here's a segment of what that looks like:
I've highlighted the article with a red box. Notice the
627 in the 'Times Cited' column and that other entries above and below this one seem to be for the same citation. Looking closely you'll see that the problem is mostly with different page numbers. This usually means that some authors could be a tad more careful in typing or proofreading their bibliographies.
Click on 'View Record' (on the far right) to view the full record details including the bibliographic information, abstract, author addresses and more. But the most important bits on the full record screen are the 'cited references' and the 'times cited' links.
The 'Cited References' are the references that ME Tinetti cited in this article -- in other words, her reference list for this article. The 'Times Cited' are the articles that have cited this one in their reference lists since it was published in 1994.
Give this a try with an article that you know and love. Explore some of the other links!
TipsIf you're wondering why I didn't enter the journal title in the 'Cited Work' box, it's because it's too time consuming to find the 'right' journal abbreviation. I always start with the author and the year - if the author is prolific in that year then I begrudgingly use the tools to find the 'right' abbreviation for the journal. MEDLINE users know the New England Journal of Medicine as N Engl J Med but in the WoS, it's New Engl J Med. A painful lesson...