Sunday, April 08, 2007

MeSH: the Web Site

You're searching MEDLINE (whatever flavor!) and you're finding little or nothing on your topic - or you're finding ten thousand...

And none of your finely honed searching shortcuts is working for you..

What are you going to do?
Go back to MEDLINE searching fundamentals. I'm talking about the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), which are one of the building blocks for a good search. A good understanding of how they are organized, how they work, how they are applied to the medical literature not only forms the basis of those 'searching shortcuts' but it is where you should turn when your 'shortcuts' fail...back to the fundamentals.

MeSH: the Web Site is jam-packed full of information, including video tutorials. It covers the tree structures, the principles of indexing, searching tips for PubMed, the MeSH database, tips for chemical searches, and MORE!

Take a look!

For more information:
The Basics of Medical Subject Headings


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