Wednesday, March 23, 2005

PsycINFO Cited Reference Searching [Ovid]

In the new reload of Ovid’s PyscINFO, you should notice links from the Cited References to the associated PsycINFO bibliographic record.

Now, if you’ve never noticed the ‘Cited References’ in PsycINFO, you’re
missing a treasure trove of information – this is a great way to expand the
scope of a subject search to find additional relevant articles that may have
been missed in a standard subject search. You can think of cited references the same as the reference list or bibliography of an article.

Where are these ‘Cited References’?
Once you’ve completed your subject search in Ovid PsycINFO and are looking at
the search results, identify a particular article that you are interested in
and click on ‘Complete Reference’. On the next screen that appears, scroll to
the end of the record and the Cited References will be listed. Notice that some of the cited references have links, some that work more successfully than others. Ovid is working on improving the linking problem. Watch the blog for further developments.


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