Monday, March 28, 2005

Optimal search strategies for systematic reviews

Here's an article that describes optimal search strategies for retrieving systematic reviews in MEDLINE.

Optimal search stratigies for retrieving systematic reviews from MEDLINE: analytical survey.

Victor M. Montori, Nancy L Wilczynski, Douglas Morgan, R. Brain Haynes for the Hedges Team
BMJ 2005; 330; 68-; originally published online 24 Dec 2004.
doi: 10.1136/bmy.38336.804167.47 (published 24 December 2004)

FYI: These strategies are part of the Clinical Queries in Ovid MEDLINE. To utilize these filters, first complete your topical search. Click on the Limit icon, scroll down the page until you come to the Clinical Queries box, highlight the appropriate filter, and then click the Limit button.


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