Healthy People 2010 added to PubMed Special Queries
A link to the search interface providing searches for published literature related to the Healthy People 2010 focus areas of the HP2010 Information Access Project was added to the Special Queries resource page available from PubMed's blue sidebar.
The National Library of Medicine® and the Public Health Foundation staff have worked together to develop pre-formulated search strategies for selected Healthy People 2010 focus areas. The purpose of these searches is to make information and evidence-based strategies related to the Healthy People 2010 objectives easier to find. Select a focus area and see a list of specialized searches for the objectives. The "PubMed search" icons on the focus area page search PubMed.
Healthy People 2010 is a set of health objectives for the Nation to achieve over the first decade of the new century. It can be used by many different people, States, communities, professional organizations, and others to help them develop programs to improve health.