New from the MeSH Database
Check this out!
From the MeSH database, you can now select and retrieve PubMed citations where the heading has been designated as a major topic of the article. It is no longer necessary to go to the Full display and create a search using the Send to Search box feature if you simply want to search the term as a major topic.
How do you do this?
- From the PubMed Services scan column on the left, click on MeSH Database.
- Type a single concept on the query line (for example, osteogenesis imperfecta)
- Use the Links Menu (to the extreme right of the subject heading) to choose PubMed - Major Topic
Did you also notice that you could make other choices from that handy links menu?
- a straight PubMed search
- a PubMed - Major Topic search
- a Clinical Queries search
- a NLM MeSH Browser search
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